This art­icle spoils the game I’ve re­viewed here.


I’ll dis­cuss only the path in which Winter fol­lows Cyr­us. I also have to point out some as­sump­tions I’ve made be­fore the ac­tual cal­cu­la­tions:

  1. The Sule is sim­ilar to the Earth. Be it size, at­mo­sphere or chem­ical com­pos­i­tion of soil;
  2. The bomb ex­ploded some­where over Gab­rea;
  3. Both the cap­ital of Brighton and the city over which the nuke ex­ploded are as close as pos­sible;
  4. Ac­cur­acy of the map is reas­on­able.
The map of the Sule with a line por­tray­ing the shortest dis­tance between the two coun­tries

The map is 3000 pixels wide which makes one pixel rep­res­ent about 13.35km. The red­dish line is 2282+2132312\sqrt{228^2 + 213^2} \approx 312 pixels long, there­fore dis­tance between the coun­tries in ques­tion turns out to be 312×13.354168312 \times 13.35 \approx 4168 kilo­metres.

Shock wave

The cit­izens of Brighton could ob­serve the blind­ing ex­plo­sion just 4168229.814\frac{4168}{229.8} \approx 14 mil­li­seconds after the event. Between the ex­plo­sion visu­als and a sound ef­fect, which sup­posedly meant the ar­rival of shock wave, there was just a few lines of dia­logue I’d give at most a minute to act out. Too bad the shock wave needs whole 41684808.7\frac{4168}{480} \approx 8.7 minutes1 to travel all the way from Gab­rea to Brighton, there­fore in the game shock wave comes at least 8.7 times faster than it should. A small mis­take, oops.

In fur­ther cal­cu­la­tions I’ll as­sume that whole 8.7 minutes have already passed after the ex­plo­sion when the shock wave sound ef­fect has played.


Shock wave is fol­lowed by Cyr­us’ ex­plan­a­tion about how dire the situ­ation ac­tu­ally is after which they fi­nally tele­port out. Given length of the ex­plan­a­tion I rate it at (at most) 5 minutes. Tele­port­a­tion, as can be seen earlier in game, takes only 5 seconds to com­plete, which puts Winter at ex­actly 8.7min+5min+5sec=8268.7\mathrm{min} + 5\mathrm{min} + 5\mathrm{sec} = 826 seconds of ex­pos­ure to γ ra­di­ation.

826 seconds only and strictly only if there was any no­tice­able change in back­ground ra­di­ation in the first place! The strength of ra­di­ation is in­versely pro­por­tional to the dis­tance from the ex­plo­sion centre2, thus even at re­l­at­ively short dis­tances from the ex­plo­sion centre the ra­di­ation de­creases to neg­li­gible levels. For com­par­ison one can­not even meas­ure the change of ra­di­ation back­ground 200 kilo­metres away from the ex­plo­sion of 20Mt nuke34.

Look­ing at the ef­fects table to ex­per­i­ence the same symp­toms Winter had (vomit­ing and diarrhoea to be ex­act), her body had to ab­sorb from 2 to 6 grays of ion­ising ra­di­ation. Given 826 seconds of ex­pos­ure the dose rate had to be any­thing between 8.717Gyh8.717\frac{\mathrm{Gy}}{\mathrm{h}} and 26.15Gyh26.15\frac{\mathrm{Gy}}{\mathrm{h}}. I’m not sure I need to point out I’m hav­ing a hard time think­ing up spe­cific­a­tions of a bomb which would in­duce such strong ra­di­ation 4168 kilo­metres away from it’s ex­plo­sion loc­a­tion and not break the Sule apart.


Dis­cus­sion at Dis­chan for­ums5 poin­ted out that all my cal­cu­la­tions are com­pletely de­pend­ent on the first as­sump­tion. In­deed they are, so I’ll write how I came to con­clu­sion this as­sump­tion is safe enough to be de­pended on. If the Sule is big­ger than the Earth, the story of ir­ra­di­ation is even more un­likely as the dis­tance between Gab­rea and Brighton is even lar­ger. On the other hand the planet can’t get much smal­ler (or more ac­cur­ately, easier6) and still be cap­able of hav­ing an at­mo­sphere.

Com­bat­Player poin­ted out that the game could be set in a dif­fer­ent uni­verse fol­low­ing dif­fer­ent phys­ics al­to­geth­er. In­deed, that also could be a case, but I highly doubt it’s reas­on­able thing to do. Of course I won’t stop any­body try­ing to cre­ate new rules for fic­tional uni­verse, but it would in­volve long years of hard work to make everything at least a bit real­ist­ic. That would in­clude en­sur­ing new rules al­low cre­ation of stars, plan­ets, stable chem­ical ele­ments. After that en­sur­ing those ele­ments would be able to par­ti­cip­ate in a pro­cess of cre­at­ing other highly com­plex ele­ments we call or­ganic mat­ter and so on and on.

Fi­nal words

Even though there cer­tainly were some small mis­takes in the story, those mis­takes did­n’t pre­vent me from hav­ing fun play­ing this game. What ac­tu­ally sad­dens me is how people are still afraid of nuc­lear as if it was the most fear­ful thing con­ceived by our hard-­work­ing sci­ent­ists. It’s not in the scope of this art­icle though.

  1. Speed of the sound in earth crust; I took 8kms\frac{\mathrm{km}}{\mathrm{s}} here.↩︎

  2. See in­verse-square law.↩︎

  3. At least un­til fal­lout ar­rives. Source.↩︎

  4. The bomb used in game clearly was much stronger, but re­gard­less of that, it’s ex­plo­sion strength (however strong it was) still pales in com­par­ison to vari­ous laws, that don’t fa­vour game’s scen­ario.↩︎

  5. Ori­gin­ally linked to ht­tp://dis­chan.or­g/­for­um/view­for­um.php?c=1&f=12&t=1746, but for­ums were re­moved at some point.↩︎

  6. In or­der for body to have it’s own at­mo­sphere body’s grav­it­a­tion should be large enough so it could hold down gases of which at­mo­sphere con­sists. Grav­it­a­tion is pro­por­tional to the mass of the body rather than size. As­sump­tion #1, however, in­cludes sim­ilar dens­ity to Earth, thus I can use size and mass in such com­par­is­ons in­ter­change­ably.↩︎